Two (more!) Gold Awards for Panadvert

2020 was most definitely a challenging year – but team Panadvert has proved its resilience by raising two more Gold tourism-related trophies!

Our agency is the proud and grateful winner of two Gold Hospitality Awards for 2020!

  • Best Digital Marketing Agency
  • Best Performance campaign for our client Kenshō

The COVID-19-related measures have even affected the awards ceremony– this year, it was experienced as a live streamed event. For the acceptance speech video, founder and CEO John Giannatos spoke for all of us at team Panadvert when he urged everyone working in the tourism industry to stay “true to the child inside us” and to “not let the pandemic affect our vitality and lust for life”!

On this happy note, we are equally proud to announce one more distinction for 2020:

A bronze Cyprus Tourism Award – Best Google Advertising and Performance Campaign for our client Louis Hotels.

These 3 latest additions to the Panadvert roster of awards are the reward to our results-oriented philosophy and culture.

2020 was a climb… but the view from the top is great! A shout-out to all those who believe in us and rely on us, from team Panadvert.