The Magnetic Appeal of Rhodes: Analyzing the Increase in Demand in 2023

The ‘Island of Knights’ as it is commonly referred to, has always been one of the most popular summer destinations in Greece. This year, it seems that demand for Rhodes has increased compared to last year, according to our latest Travel Trends Analysis.

Our Performance and Data Analysis team has taken into consideration more than 2.140 million search queries that were aggregated from multiple sources (i.e. OTAS, booking engines and secondary data from search engines Google, Yahoo and Bing) concerning search periods of January 1st to March 13th in 2022 and 2023 respectively (herein referred to as “search period”) in order to map out the demand and booking behaviour of potential travellers.

In line with our previous analyses of the Cyclades, Cyprus, and the Ionian Islands, we have observed a notable increase with an average growth rate of 22.5%.

More specifically, in 2022, more than 960k hotel booking queries revealed that Rhodes was more popular among the British, who were responsible for nearly ⅓ of those queries, while Germans, Italians, French and Dutch concluded the top 5. Concerning the months they were most interested in visiting the island, the British and Germans showed a strong preference for June, followed by July and then August. The French and Italians, on the other hand, were clearly set on August along with the Dutch, who exhibited an almost equal preference to July and June as well, though.

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The picture this year showed hotel booking queries increased  by 22.5%, totalling over 1.180 million in the established search period for Rhodes compared to 2022. The top 5 most interested ones remain the same as last year as do their month preferences for visiting the island.

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The comparative analysis clearly shows the growing popularity and appeal of Rhodes that was mentioned earlier among various countries around the world. The biggest rise is detected in the volume of queries coming from the USA, which have skyrocketed this year by 102.827% within the search period we are looking at. The Israelis follow with a 67% increase in their hotel booking queries, while a notable 30% rise is also coming from the French. The month breakdown is identical to last year’s as it was mentioned earlier, showing a consistency in the preferences of the potential travellers.

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The insights provided in this article offer a valuable opportunity for hotel businesses in Rhodes to optimize their marketing strategies and allocate resources more effectively. Contact us today and embark on a journey towards unlocking the full potential of your marketing efforts.