Sky Express Greece: An in-flight wedding proposal gone viral

Passengers aboard Sky Express Flight GQ185 KGS-HER (Kos- Heraklion) on Sunday, January 28 enjoyed a unique in-flight event: two of their co-travelers got engaged!

Most wedding proposals take place during a romantic candlelit dinner or one warm summer night beneath the stars’ But in this case, the prospective groom opted for a more original setting- at an altitude of 15.000ft to be precise!

This is how it all began’

First, we received a private Facebook message from the passenger/ groom-to-be with his special request. We knew right there and then: this was an excellent opportunity for us to generate unique, highly engaging content for our client’s Facebook page.

So, we immediately contacted Sky Express Airlines to inform them about their passenger’s inquiry and also recommended that we organize a video shooting covering the entire story.

The reaction we received was pure enthusiasm!

This meant that we would now proceed with organizing and executing our “aerial’ endeavor. Subsequently, we began by thoroughly planning all the necessary steps.

Apart from scheduling air tickets for three different flights -GQ284 ATH-KGS (Athens-Kos), GQ185 KGS-HER (Kos-Heraklion) and GQ156 HER-ATH (Heraklion-Kos) we needed to coordinate everyone involved and prepare the entire project’s execution (from filming “the proposal’ to the final video’s online communication).

To begin with, we drafted a detailed timetable of all video takes we knew we needed and then prepared a script for the pilot and crew members who were going to be on board the “love plane’.

Once we finalized the concept and discussed all details with the soon-to-be groom, an agreement of exposure was signed allowing us to publish audiovisual material depicting the couple on any social media platforms and websites associated with Sky Express Airlines.

Then, of course, we communicated with the airline and decided where the couple and journalist-cameraman would be seated, so as to achieve the best possible filming angle of “the proposal’.

The entire experience was shot with three different cameras: DCLR, GoPro and a Mobile Phone Camera (Apple iPhone).

We captured every moment from the couple’s arrival at Kos Island International Airport, their check-in and boarding onto the aircraft to the moment leading up to the actual proposal, the pilot’s announcement and the fiancA�’s reaction. Also, we gathered footage of the plane’s interior and views from the windows.

Following the actual proposal, the couple was photographed inside the aircraft and after the plane’s landing at Heraklion Airport.

A final touch was a short video featuring an interview with the couple and of course the future bride’s reactions to this charming surprise.

When we returned, we covered the entire post-production (montage, visuals, creating and mixing audio etc.).

Finally, we prepared all social media posts (for Facebook, Instagram, Insta-story, Twitter) and aired the video.

The video immediately went viral- with over 55.000 views in just a few hours- reaching over 100.000 users!

This high level of engagement caught the media’s attention and resulted in even more publicity. Namely from websites such as, Huffington Post,, Briefing,, Etravelnews etc., but also Star Channel’s television newscast.

The result?

A successful social media video production carried out entirely by Panadvert’s team.

* The project was managed by Dimitris Mavrokefalidis (Social Media Manager) with the assistance of Niki Malavazou (Graphic Designer).