Luxury Experiences – The Story Behind a Successful Page on Facebook

Luxury Experience's Screenshot

You may come across a great number of “Luxury Lifestyle” blogs on the internet and quite a few pages on social sites such as Facebook too. They all present glamorous images and promote the kind of lavish and affluent lifestyle enjoyed by the top echelons of society. However, not all of them have the key ingredients to become an overwhelming success. Except one!

“Luxury Experiences” keeps ahead of its competitors by not only delivering everything about Luxury Lifestyles, the latest news on Luxury products, interesting reviews, tips for traveling and reports from ultimate destinations, and high-end hotels, it also builds a growing anticipation amongst its users and creates a yearning for a particular luxury by describing it in vivid detail. Internet users who visit luxury websites are usually VIPs who want to indulge in luxury and premium brands and that’s what they experience when they visit Luxury lifestyles.

Thousands of shares and likes

(IMAGE: Thousands of Likes and Shares are very common in this page)

What started out 2 years ago as a hobby for Eric Engelen, has fast become one of the most visited and popular pages on Facebook. It started with the notion of sharing favorite vacation destinations and offering recommendations for particular luxury hotels. At the beginning, it quickly attracted users who regularly checked in to see his posts. However, now after catching the attention of seasoned travelers all over the globe, users have now reached approx 670k (no fake profiles allowed) and are increasing on a daily basis.

Eric Engelen’s Facebook page is associated with the luxury blog; and caters especially for individuals who expect only the highest in quality and standards of living.

I was fortunate enough to discover Luxury Experiences in early 2012, six months after its start, when the page only had 188k users. I saw its huge potential straight away as a marketing tool to aid tourism around the world and was delighted when Eric agreed to cooperate in promoting and presenting hotels that I work with.

After receiving administration access to the page, (I had the opportunity to discover the backend of Luxury Experiences Page when Eric needed my help on some optimizations of the page), I understood the enormity of his experience and intensive if not arduous work that he has put into both his page and the Blog. With his help our hotel pages became more successful too and as a result, some of our clients received thousands new page likes from his audience.

Thus, I highly recommend both Luxury Experiences and Passionforluxury as reliable and valuable sources for promoting top luxury hotels around the world.