A patience campaign during the lockdown

New York College


New York College needed a campaign to show its presence not only to its students, but to society as a whole. Panadvert was called upon to create a campaign that was not purely commercial, but one that was in tune with the circumstances of this difficult period.


Our campaign is a fast reflex response within the context of “Real Time Marketing”

Studying the behavior of users on social media, from the beginning of the pandemic and lockdown, and up to the day measures were relaxed in early May, we noticed four basic behaviors.

Phase one: shock and fear.
This period lasted about a week where people were trying to understand what this threat was and the nature of the threat. With constant reports streaming in from Italy and countries with serious problems, the only news published on social media were related to Death and the Virus.

Phase two: dealing through humor.
A classic feature of Greek culture in difficult times, as we have seen happen in the past with the old Greek cinema of the 50’s and 60’s, is that Greeks deal with a crisis through humor. Hence, social media started to flood with posts containing jokes and a tendency to mock the situation and the virus itself.

Phase three: fatigue.
This was the phase in mid-April, a combination of the disappointment that Easter could not be celebrated in the traditional way and the first signs appearing showing the extent and uncertainty of future economic outcomes. At the same time, being confined at home caused weariness and people began to look for ways of escape.


The Campaign is based on a single word, and is what society wants to hear and which NYC, in a prevailing role, comes to communicate.

In one simple word… PATIENCE! (Patience Greeks, Patience guys, etc)

Indeed, because we are going through a period of suspicion and distrust, our campaign needs not to be reminiscent of a commercial, but should have a social nature. As such, at Panadvert we deemed that it did not require further (a lot of) verbiage, making it easier to attract the eye as users in their homes consumed much more content by scrolling.


The promotion of the brand is implied but not stated. There are three messages, each with accompanying text.

Stay healthy, emerge strong

Tomorrow wants all of us and wants us strong.

Because every sunset is followed by a sunrise.

Subconsciously, the recipient of the message will identify and relate favorably with the brand during this difficult period, the benefits of which will be felt in the mid-term as this adventure ends.

The campaign was innovative, as only Amstel  beer had managed at that time to communicate something similar.


The Campaign ran on Social Media from 09/04/2020 to 25/04/2020 with the following results

>10% of the Greek population

>4.500.000 impressions

~4% of the population who saw the ad actively remembers the Advertiser and the Advertising message

~4900 Post Likes

In total, six Panadvert staff members, account manager, copywriter, designer, social media manager & performance advertiser, worked on the creation and implementation (realization) of the campaign.

Take a look at the created posts